Month: January 2017

Legacy as the Measure of a Life of Significance

I've been talking a lot about two topics lately - significance and legacy. On the day I got married, I had a few blessed hours alone before the hubbub of the day began.  Given that I am bent toward reflection, I went for a meditative walk along the Potomac River. Contemplating what lay before me that day and...

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A Simple Tool for a Happy Life You Can Be Proud Of

It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. “I’m not sure what I should do here,” Marco told me. “I feel confused. How do I know which choice is the right one?” He was in the middle of a lucrative and complex transaction with his current firm. A new firm had offered him a position, pressing...

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A List of Values

List of Values   Abundance Acceptance Accessibility Accomplishment Accuracy Achievement Acknowledgement Activeness Adaptability Adoration Adroitness Adventure Affection Affluence Aggressiveness Agility Alertness Altruism Ambition Amusement Anticipation Appreciation Approachability Articulacy Assertiveness...

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