(Adapted from my annual March Madness posts.) This weekend sees the end of March Madness, the NCAA men’s basketball championship tournament. From now until the final game is played on April 3, film crews will be capturing the most memorable moments – from the joyous to the heartbreaking - to craft into a video...
Challenging You to Unplug
As the 4th of July holiday weekend approaches, think about the last vacation you took – a real vacation, unplugged, away from the computer, phone, and chaos. If you're like most of the clients I work with, you probably haven't taken a real vacation in a long time, right? Taking time to decompress and reflect can be...
Don’t Let Deception Derail Your Deals
It crossed my LinkedIn feed like a perfectly aimed cannonball, fired right at my chest. “Don’t let them know you are selling.” I’m paraphrasing the actual post to keep the advisor anonymous, but the advice hit me in the stomach, and made me think back to my own exit. It was a crazy time, and I just needed advisors...
Putting the “R” Back in ROI
Adapted from my post “What Harvey Can Teach Us About ROI…” The callous use of a common phrase in someone else’s blog post shocked me. The writer used the common acronym “ROI”. But he couched it as “Relief on Investment” in describing how to choose a charity to support victims of Tropical Storm Harvey, which at the...
Helping Clients Know When to Let Go
As advisors, we’ve all come across clients who are the founder and leader of their companies, and felt like it was never the right time to let go. Last week I was listening to a great story on NPR about whether Founder CEOs have a shelf life. It focused on the concept of transition as the Co-Founder of Peloton John...
In One Shining Moment 2022
March 13th begins March Madness, the NCAA men’s basketball championship tournament. From then until the final game is played on April 4, film crews will be capturing the most memorable moments – from the joyous to the heartbreaking – to craft into a video montage played at the end of the tournament over one of the...
Do You Want to Know What’s REALLY Going on With Your Clients?
When I meet a new advisor and tell them that I speak about the psychology of business owners and how to make it easier for them to let go when the time comes to exit their business, they usually groan and say something like “Good grief, I spend half my time in every deal playing a part-time psychologist for my...
The Art of Letting Go: What Parents of College Freshmen and Business Owners Have in Common
I was at a networking cocktail party two weeks ago and the investment banker I was talking to kept checking his phone. He apologized at one point, explaining that his wife was driving to another state with his daughter who was starting college the following week. He was, understandably, nervous about them being on...
In One Shining Moment
This week begins March Madness, the NCAA men’s basketball championship tournament. From now until the final game is played on April 5, film crews will be capturing the most memorable moments – from the joyous to the heartbreaking - to craft into a video montage played at the end of the tournament over one of the...
Reflective Questions to Contemplate as You Turn the Page
REFLECTIVE QUESTIONS TO CONTEMPLATE AS YOU TURN THE PAGE *** CLOSING THE BOOK ON 2021 What did I embrace in 2021? What did I let go of in 2021? What changed for me in 2021? What did I discover about myself in 2021? What was I most grateful for in 2021? When did fear hold me back in 2021? Where did I demonstrate...