
Will You Know When It’s Time?

“Now just feels like the right time,” said Steve Croft (age 73) on Sunday as he announced his retirement after 30 years at the CBS News show 60 Minutes.  He said he’d been considering when to retire at the end of each of the past four seasons and knew it was finally time. Hearing him say that he wanted to leave...

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Permission To Care

He told me, “Sometimes I just feel so lonely. Lost, in fact. Where did my friends go? I guess I just let work and family take up so much space that I’ve ended up feeling like a stranger in a strange land. I miss that I don’t have a universe of close men in my life. The worst part is feeling myself stuck in solitude...

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Building Your Courage Muscles

I was talking to my massage therapist the other night about a workshop called Courageous Choices that I led recently for a group of senior executives. I was preparing them to exit their companies and discover a legacy beyond just money.  Helping people make courageous choices is at the heart of what I do as a...

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Legacy as the Measure of a Life of Significance

I've been talking a lot about two topics lately - significance and legacy. On the day I got married, I had a few blessed hours alone before the hubbub of the day began.  Given that I am bent toward reflection, I went for a meditative walk along the Potomac River. Contemplating what lay before me that day and...

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